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memory spill~

Out of sudden...

I miss those day...

Where working from the messy empty space..

.......and manage to built up some things... and grow some plants and fish in there...

Where I was happy when the plant grow greenish.. even not so healthy..

Where I was sad and heartbroken when some fish die and keep on die because of disease, illness, fighting...

Where James teach me how to do some micro-dissect the fish to get the source of infection... and I was hand shaking to cut the tissue from the fish...

.........and have fun observe the parasite under the microscope

Where I do the stupid testing everyday three times to get the stupid data...

Where I like to enjoy the Aik Cheong Kopi O in the Cafeteria everyday... Some time the uncle do come back and I'm able to enjoy the coffee as well =)

Where I went back everyday day when the moon arise... walking out, taking bus, and walking back home again... to rest for tomorrow come over again....

Where I monopoly the whole corridor... when there is no body come at weekend.....

Where I bored until done my own Guinness world record.. but there is no witnesses to record it down...

Hmm.. all these tiring day have pass for some time, I think it cant easily forget by me already.
Hope now I'm able to re0-built something that are more function at my own. Haha. XD

Also... you... Coco. the little canine that like to stick and jilat me. haha. You're one of the canine in the world that I precious in my life...

Just a little memory swirling suddenly.
haha =P


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